
ECSTATIX PERSPECTIVA or Ecstatix. P. or E.P is a self-reliant [.......] established to host a variety of creative collaborations, as well as accommodate various forms of work such as illustration or development of moreover creative works. From the creative process through the entire project is selected and curated directly by MFAXII.
ECSTATIX itself operates as a publisher, by enlarging and expanding its scope varying from illustrators, graphic designers, type designers, bands, brands, authors/writers, photographers, and several additional fields, ECSTATIX strives to display unified dynamism and diverse silhouette of energy in the creative process, furthermore, it can be executed and competently expressed. ECSTATIX also embeds privileges in its creations, by releasing a limited number of portions to enhance the exclusivity of the resulting work Presently, ECSTATIX has been operatingwith numerous local and international collaborators and continues to be improved also strengthens its ambition to reduce a gap between the initiators and deliver genuine works, varies from a local scene throughout the worldwide scale.

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